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Mamamoon Weekend in Villa Oldenhoff, Oct 22-24, 2021!

The ultimate preparation for pregnancy, labor and parenting life.

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Just 20 min drive away from Amsterdam, a Mamamoon Full Weekend Retreat in Villa Oldenhoff is your opportunity to take time and focus on what the future brings. We will prepare you and your partner intensively for birth as well as give you a lot of tools to grow into parenthood. 


Take some time to define together how you see your future as parents before you!


Our goal is for you to leave feeling not only that you have all the right tools to use during labor. But most of all, that you are excited about meeting your baby, feeling confident and comfortable with your choices for pregnancy, birth, and the time afterwards..


There is limited space available for the event to secure we can give the right attention to all our participants. Prices below cover both mom-to-be and her birthing partner.



We will start the weekend at approx. 16h on Friday, 22nd of October, and finish at around 14.00h on Sunday, 24th of October. Each day, we will serve a delicious and healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. Other tasty snacks and drinks will be also served throughout the day. Exact program for the days will be shared with participants before the event. If you have any specific questions right now, email us at


What you can expect during the weekend:

  • 2-3  classes for moms-to-be based on Birthlight yoga sharing poses and breathing practices that help during each stage of labor (an alternative activity will be planned for birthing companions)

  • 2 Birth Preparation workshops based on HypnoBirthing and Birthlight practices, incl. extended partner practices for labor

  • 2 “Growing into parenthood” coaching workshops

  • Deep relaxation practice based on HypnoBirthing

  • Delicious and healthy food served during each day

  • Private Pregnancy Photoshoot

  • Building your future support network with other parents-to-be and birth professionals joining the workshops



* Luxury Double Suite with private bathroom and kitchenette* = €629,- per person / €1.250,- couple price

* Luxury Double Room with private bathroom and kitchenette* = €529,- per person /  €1.050,- couple price

* Luxuriously Furnished Double room with private bathroom and kitchenette = €475,- per person /  €950,- couple price

Price covers accommodation, food and drinks (water, teas) for the full weekend. You should also check with your health insurance if they support birth preparation courses to be able to take advantage of it as well.

Program & Pricing

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Location & Directions

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Yoga for Pregnancy and Labor based on Birthlight and HypnoBirthing

  • Poses to relieve common pregnancy pains

  • Poses to relieve sensations during labor

  • Poses to position your baby into the most optimal position for birth (for during pregnancy and for during labor)

  • Poses to help with progress during labor

  • The Labor Circuit

  • Positions for birthing

  • Breathing techniques for relaxation, to improve sleep, and to help with headaches

  • Relaxation practice


​Birth preparation based on Birthlight Yoga and HypnoBirthing

  • Understand our body's perfect design and how to use it for labor

  • Specific breathing practices for labor

  • The perfect environment for a beautiful birth experience

  • Your Partner's Role during labor and birth

  • Partner Practices to support you during labor and birth

  • and much more


Parents' workshops based on systemic and solution-focused coaching

  • Prepare to grow into your life as a parent

  • Develop a vision for your life as a parent

  • Define your dreams, hopes and wishes

  • Understand your own needs and those of your partner better

  • Clarify expectations towards yourself and your partner

  • Set priorities for life as a mom or dad

  • How to stay connected as a couple

  • Make a plan for your best life as parents



And much more...

Details about the program
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